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Tips & tricks

This page contains software and hardware tips and tricks
that we have found during our years of experience
plus tips donated by other people.
We invite you to send your own tips so this page will be updated for the benefit of all readers.
send your tips to: info@helicontech.co.il
All tips sent will contain credits to the sender,
including name and email address (if the sender specified that he wants his email published).






num_rows == 0) return; /* end of recursive call */ while($line = $result->fetch_assoc()) { $n = $line['num']; $query = "DELETE FROM comments WHERE num=$n"; $newresult = DoQuery($query, __LINE__); RecursiveDelete($n); } } function GetTimeStr($hour, $min, $sec, $month, $day, $year) { global $timeoffset; $time = mktime($hour, $min, $sec, $month, $day, $year, 0); $time += ($timeoffset * 3600); /* add time offset in seconds */ $str = date("d/m/Y H:i:s", $time); return $str; } /* | AddLinks: | Replace URL's in string with links */ function AddLinks($string) { $string = preg_replace("/(^|[^=\"\/])\b((\w+:\/\/|www\.)[^\s<]+)". "((\W+|\b)([\s<]|$))/i", "$1$2$4", $string); return preg_replace("/href=\"www/i", "href=\"http://www", $string); // $txt = preg_replace( "/(?\s]+)/i", "\\0", $txt ); // " } /* | Replace special codes in messages */ function SpecialCodes($str) { $str = stripslashes($str); $str = str_replace('<', '<', $str); $str = str_replace('|code|', '

', $str); $str = str_replace('|CODE|', '

', $str); $str = str_replace('|ECODE|', '

', $str); $str = str_replace('|ecode|', '

', $str); $str = str_replace('|b|', '', $str); $str = str_replace('|B|', '', $str); $str = str_replace('|eb|', '', $str); $str = str_replace('|EB|', '', $str); $str = str_replace('|u|', '', $str); $str = str_replace('|U|', '', $str); $str = str_replace('|eu|', '', $str); $str = str_replace('|EU|', '', $str); $str = str_replace("\n", "
", $str); $str = AddLinks($str); return $str; } /* | DisplayContents: | Show a string of section body, parsing dot commands | currently only one command is supported | .C that will start or stop code section */ function DisplayContents($contents) { $incode = 0; $contents = SpecialCodes($contents); $a = explode('
', $contents); foreach($a as $val) { if($val[0] == '.') { /* this is a command */ if($val[1] == 'C') { if(!$incode) { print "
\n"; $incode++; } else { print "
\n"; $incode--; } } } else { $val = AddLinks($val); print "$val
\n"; } } if($incode) { while($incode) { print "
\n"; $incode--; } } } /* | DispComments: | Recursive function to display comments for specific article */ function DispComments($id, $ancestor, $level, $delprivilege) { global $commentstbl, $abspath, $l10n; global $dir, $lang; global $base; // print "dir: $dir
\n"; $query = "SELECT * FROM $commentstbl WHERE article='$id' AND ancestor='$ancestor' ORDER BY time DESC"; // print "Query: $query
\n"; $result = DoQuery($query, __LINE__); if($result->num_rows == 0) return; /* end of recursive call */ if($level == 0) print "
\n"; /* spacer between two threades */ while($line = $result->fetch_assoc()) { $msgnum = $line['num']; $title = SpecialCodes($line['title']); if(empty($title)) $title = _("No title"); $msguser = $line['name']; $email = $line['email']; $website = $line['website']; $comment = $line['comment']; $time = $line['time']; $i = $level * 10; if($dir == 'rtl') $style = "margin-right:${i}px"; else $style = "margin-left:${i}px"; print "
\n"; print "$title \n"; if($website) print "$msguser "; else print "$msguser \n"; list($year, $month, $day, $hour, $min, $sec) = sscanf($time, "%d-%d-%d %d:%d:%d"); $timestr = GetTimeStr($hour, $min, $sec, $month, $day, $year); print "$timestr\n"; /* Put message contents as DIV that will be displayed when clicking on message */ print "
\n"; DisplayContents($comment); /* show link to add response */ $id1 = urlencode($id); $url = "${base}articlemsg.php?id=$id1&ancestor=$msgnum&lang=$lang"; $url = urlencode($url); print "
"; print _("Add comment"); print "      \n"; if($delprivilege == 1) { $l = _("Delete comment"); $url = "?action=delcomment&id=$id1&num=$msgnum"; print "$l\n"; print "  $email\n"; } print "
\n"; print "
\n"; print "
\n"; DispComments($id, $msgnum, $level+1, $delprivilege, $dir); } } if($action == 'delcomment') { $num = $_GET['num']; $query = "DELETE FROM $commentstbl WHERE num='$num'"; $result = DoQuery($query, __LINE__); RecursiveDelete($num); $url = urldecode($id); print "\n"; print "
\n"; print _("Comment deleted"); $l = _("Click here to return"); print "
\n"; print "
\n"; return; } $commenturl1 = urlencode($commenturl); $url = "${base}articlemsg.php?id=$commenturl1&ancestor=0&lang=$lang"; $url = urlencode($url); print "
"; print _("Add comment"); print "\n"; // print "

delprivilege: $delprivilege

\n"; DispComments($commenturl, 0, 0, $delprivilege); ?>